대사관 공지

[NIIED] 2022 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS) for Graduate Degrees

2022-02-15 15:45
Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship Program is designed to provide international students with higher education in Korea, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

Korean Embassy in Israel is pleased to announce the 2022 Application of GKS program for graduate degrees as below:

A. Available Degree Program: Master's degree, Doctoral degree, Research program
B. Quota Allocation in Israel:  3 candidates
C. Eligibility

(1) Nationality: Applicants must hold Israeli citizenship. Applicants and their parents must not hold Korean citizenship.

(2) Degree Requirements: Applicants must hold or must be expecting to hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree by August 31st, 2022.

(3) Grades: Applicants must have maintained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the following from their previous degree program
* 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0 or score percentile(80% or above)

(4) Age: Applicants must be under 40 years of age (born after September 1, 1982)

(5) Health: Applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of the program.

D. Application Timeline

(1) Submission Period : March 01(Tue.) ~ 13(Sun.), 2022
- You can submit your application either in person or via the postal service.
* Our embassy address is 6 Hasadnaot st., Herzliya Pituach 4672831.

- Before you submit your application, please check again below:

▶ Documents to be completed
- All forms must be submitted in English or Korean with applicant's signature.
- Applicants must submit 1 set of original application documents and 3 sets of photocopies, identical to the original set.

▶ Required certificate
Documents written in English or Korean: must be apostilled
Documents written in other languages:
(1) must obtain apostille either on original document or certified translation,
(2) document written in original language and its certified translation must be submitted together.

- Applicants must submit 1 set of original application documents and 3 sets of photocopies, identical to the original set.

(2) Interview: March 18(Fri.)
* Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

E. For Inquiry, please send an email to msshin16@mofa.go.kr.
As for the application guidelines and FAQ, please refer to the attached files.
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